Time Based Media Workshop
This first project had me sitting outside for an hour then documenting the experience any way I wanted to. I drew what I could remember, from how many planes flew by on my left to how many dogs barked in the distance.
Processing is one of my favorite programs so I decided to try it out for a sound based project and I learned a few new things along the way.
Here I gave life to an inanimate object. I chose a bear and had a lot of fun.
These last two projects conceptually go hand in hand. Originally I wanted people to count out every grain of sand on the planet and have a live count displayed in a museum room. However, this is impossible so I took my favorite elements of it and created the "One Minute Portrait". The description is with the work, but I wanted the viewer to become conscious of the little things they can't help but do. The experience was very meditative and personal.
I learned a lot in this workshop, mostly how to handle media that doesn't work the same way as the 2D media I am used to. Things I will remember are how to successfully make art that is a proper critique of something and methods of creating that will yield a good response from an audience.
Time-Based Media

Time-Based Media
